Our table. (click the below pic to make it bigger. Sorry they’re a bit grainy… hard to get a good low-light photo on my point-and-shoot.)
Our table. (click the below pic to make it bigger. Sorry they’re a bit grainy… hard to get a good low-light photo on my point-and-shoot.)
I was working on a job app (poignantly for a photography organisation) when I mentioned to Andrew I was cold. He brought me this hot …
11/11/11 11:11 Waving her British flag (Which I did not give to her as a prop. She totally chose it herself. American flags already waived …
These were from the 5th… but I couldn’t decide between these and the family photostrips so since I have no photos for this day I’m …
Before getting ready for a Guy Fawkes party… MUCH bigger — click on me to see.
Pinch, punch, first of the month. This is what happens when you get too close to the end of the slide.
Luther was Dracula and Rosie was a chicken (and I made her costume!!)
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